Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thanks for the memories....

Last night, I watched my beloved Lions get pummeled by a massive 138 points which in turn, ended their season. And for the first time in 7 years, I'm at a loss at what to do during September.

I also watched, as the Saints club song rang out in the back ground, my favourite player, Darryl White, being chaired off the ground by his team mates. An illustrious career coming to an end after 14 years.

My unnatural obsession with DJ started in '99 when he first caught my eye during a mid-season Vic vs the Allies clash at the Gabba. He took an amazing speckie in front of us, and from that day, I was hooked.

I could go on and on about his stats and figures, his state and country representations, the three premierships and his work outside of football with kids through the AFL's "Life's a Ball" program, his great camaraderie and how his is revered by his team mates and opposition players alike, but I don't want to bore you more than I have.

Though he wasn't a superstar compared to the likes of Michael Voss or EJ Whitten, he played the game he loves with all of his heart.

I want to say , thank you, to the player who always had me on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating your deftness each time you stepped out onto the field. Who more often than not had me out of my seat and on my feet with amazing arial stunts. The player who dazzled the masses with pure brilliance.

In 20 years, when people will be asking "Darryl who?" I will remember, with great fondness, the brilliance of the man who on a winter's night in 1999, leapt into the air to grab a footy and landed squarely, with both feet, in my heart and ignited my passion for football.

....Thank you for the magic.....

Friday, August 26, 2005

Super Size Me

If I was on Typepad, this would definitely be filed in the TMI section, so if you're squeamish, you might want to look away now.

I first got my period when I was 12.... no wait... I think I was 11....
For an 11 year old, it was the worst day of my life. Though my mother tried reassuring me that it was natural and I was a woman now, handed me a Stayfree Maxi Pad and a book and sent me to my room to read up on what weird and wonderful things were happening to my body. I screamed and I cried. I didn't WANT to become a woman, not at freakin 11 years of age.
These were the days when maxi pads were truly MAXI, long before the words "ultraslim" and "anti-leak" came into existence. Wearing a maxi pad was akin to having a rolled up Saturday's addition of the Courier Mail in your underwear. Leakage was a given, so was having to wash your knickers out in the hand basin each night.

It was something that wasn't spoken about. Secret women's business. Not so much of a secret when you walked around looking like you had a load in your pants. Then there was the stress of positioning it "just right" on your underpants. Too far forward and it looked like you had a penis, too far back and it looked like you taken a dump in your dacks.

It wasn't until I was 13 that I discovered tampons. I was finally free from those cumbersome maxis and people could no longer tell when I had my periods.....(except for that one time with a very embarrassing "string incident", but we won't go into that).

In my late teens, God invented ultraslim pads with WINGS! Though I still had an aversion to using them, cause....well.... who wants to look at that mess every time you go to the loo??

I was in my mid 20's when I'd mentioned I'd been getting headaches (while having my period and using tampons) to a friend. She sent me that email (which has since been found to be a hoax) and I quickly switched to all cotton tampons. My headaches disappeared and I continued on my merry way.

During this whole time, my periods had been "regular". I used regular tampons, regular pads, I was a regular girl. I felt sorry for those women I saw with SUPER tampons in their shopping baskets and wondered why companies would make duel packets that contained both super and regular pads.

My miscarriage with AJ in 2004 was caused by an infection, which caused a blood clot to form on his placenta. From that day on I decided that I wasn't going to be putting anything up my cooter, save the occasional sterilized speculum and dear Chad's ......... uumm..... (do I have to write penis??)

Out went the tampons, the vibrators, the dildo and the like. So my "special draw" lays empty, and my self in the bathroom contains only pads.....of the ultraslim kind...with wings....... regular......of course.... cause I'm a regular kind of gal.

After losing Jesse earlier this year, I was still a "regular", though a little heavier than usual. I boiled it down to what so many people had told me about your periods getting heavier after having kids.

But...... after the hysteroscopy in June, things have changed. Oh how they've changed. Last month I just barely hung on to being "regular".... this month.... no chance.

I'm now the girl you find wondering down the health and beauty isle at Coles with the dual "super/regular" pack of pads in my basket.

Gone is the penis/load dilemma, because they are, after all, ultraslim, but has me stumped is why do these supers have to be so damn long??? They cover every conceivable inch between my pubic hair and half way up my butt crack.

So now I'm back to worrying that if someone goes to pinch my arse they'll pinch an inch of pad instead.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Whole Week Already???

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I've written anything......

I had a surprise delivery this morning from the wonderful people of Reflex. About a month ago, they had a promotion on their site for their new recycled paper. All you had to do was enter your name etc and you could be sent a ream.....and guess who was lucky enough to be sent one?? ME!! I know this mustn't seem very exciting to some of you.....but for a stationary junkie.....mmmmm.....paper......
Not to forget that it was FREE!!!

Our new bed also arrived today....which makes me a VERY happy girl. Our old mattress was so awful. You could feel the springs sticking in your back and the "clunk clunk" noises it made when ever you moved was the ultimate mood killer.
So after sleeping on the mattress from hell for the past 12 months, we decided to go all out and treat ourselves to a good quality one. We are now the proud owners of a Slumberpedic Pillow Top (just the mattress, not the base) and now I can't WAIT to go to bed tonight! It's sooo fluffy..... *sigh*

AND, (if things couldn't possibly get any better) I found my copy of Photoshop which I had been sorely missing since my computer savvy father came over and upgraded my Mac and wiped EVERYTHING from my hard drive. I've even been toying with the idea of personalizing this blog..... It'll probably never eventuate, cause I'm so damn lazy.... but it's nice to think about being artsy

It's also CD1 for me....... not that I'm surprised. We didn't exactly time the whole "bumping of uglies" thing right this month what with my periods coming 4 days early last month it really threw me off with working out dates etc. I know it's not THAT hard to work out the dates when I should "O", but.... Ok.... I have no excuse..... we just kind of Despite knowing that the possibility of me being pregnant this month was about 1000 - 1, I've still managed to go through a massive amount of pee sticks. How many.....welll.....uuuummmmm....... 5 ...... 7 ....... ok 9! If I knew it wasn't the right time, why the hell did I find myself testing EVERY MORNING for the last week??? I have a serious problem.....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Kill me.... kill me now

I don't know where he found it, probably brought forth from the depths of hell by some evil sprite, but THIS is my nephew's new favourite toy.....


Not only does it bring back horrid memories of primary school when a recorder was essential and part of the "book list", but the noise is enough to send anyone CRAZY, especially when a 3 year old gets hold of one. What is worse (thought it couldn't get any worse hmmm????) is when a 26 year old man gets hold of it and tries to play the Star Wars sound track.......again..... and again....... and again..... trying to get it "just right". Honey..... give it up.....please.....for the love of all that's holy.

Damn those little recorder sprites.......

On a sadder note, please pop on over to see Jill, she's having a bit of a rough trot at the moment.

I just wish I had the right words to comfort you.......
Thinking of you heaps Jill.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Survivor's Guilt

Since the arrival of J's baby, I'd been having a bit of a hard time. The emptiness I felt what so overwhelming, I found myself crying oh too often mostly at improper times and in inappropriate places.

Thursday morning, I woke up and had such a feeling of calm about me. Gone was the feeling of emptiness, the sadness, the despondency. In it's place was a certainty that everything was going to be ok. It was almost like someone had whispered in my ear while I slept, reasuring me everything was going to be alright.

So I emailed J and told her I'd be over on

This morning I met little Wyatt. I held him and yes I shed a tear, but it was nothing like I had dreaded. I didn't feel an overwhelming urge to run away with him. I didn't resent him. He was just a tiny little baby...... someone else's baby..... he wasn't my baby.

While we talked over coffee, she mentioned that her sister, D, was also having a hard time dealing with it all. D was diagnosed with blighted ovum at her 12 week scan. J and I were 7 weeks along at the time.

J cried, because, although she loves her new son, she can't help but feel guilty that out of the three of us, her baby was the only one that will ever get to run in the sunshine. She feels bad because Wyatt is baby number 5 for her, D only has one son, and me.... well we know the score on that one.

For the first time in a long time I was able to tell her with confidence, that it was all going to be ok.......that it was all going to be alright.

Giving in

I swore that I wasn't going to become obsessed with TTC this time around. I've never charted my temps or monitored my CM. What I have had is an extremely unhealthy relationship with pregnancy tests, sometimes doing 4 or 5 during that crappy 2 week wait.

I've always found that it's easier to deal with the evil red witch appearing if I knew she was coming.

I wasn't going to do it again. I was just going to take things as they came & try and be more relaxed about the whole thing.

Phhhttttttt. Who was I trying to kid?

Hello ebay, my dearest friend, my HPT dealer......

I bought 20....... goes to show how optimistic I am about falling pregnant any time soon huh?

Friday, August 12, 2005

New Age Pot Smokers

Some of you know that my oh-so-glamorous job is that of a shop assistant at a supermarket. No.... I'm not proud of my job, I know I can do better than being stuck in a shit job with zero room for advancement. But it pays the bills and, I think I've mentioned before the other reasons why I stay here.... anywho.....

I was in charge of the cigarette counter the other day, serving a customer, when this bloke, lets call him Drug Fucked Gypsy, came up and in a not so quite voice says

DFG: "Oy, is there a tobacconist around here"
Me: thinking he was incredibly rude for not waiting his turn because i am TOTALLY anal about manners and waiting your turn etc, I ignored him.
Me: (apologizing to my customer, turn to the man) there is one down in the next complex
DFG: (obviously thinking I have a hearing impairment ) DO THEY SELL BONGS?
Me: ummmm, I'm not sure
DFG:(with great urgency) I REALLY NEED A BONG

and with that, he walked off in search of his "bong"

When did it become necessary to have a bong to smoke pot? I remember way back when, that an old OJ bottle and a cone made out of the paper from a cigarette packet was enough.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Never the right words

I want to say thank you to all of you who have left comments and sent emails.

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of support and understanding that you all give, not only to me, but to the countless women out here in blogland.

I, on the other hand, am a serial lurker. It's not often I comment on blogs, though I read them religiously. My heart breaks with each and every one of you when transfers fail, no heartbeat is detected, every announcement of CD1 and heart wrenching tributes to your lost little ones. Likewise is the joy I feel when you see that second pink line, your betas double or you receive news of imminent adoptions.

Please know that, although I may not leave comments, your words and the stories that are your life touch my heart. I wish you all so much, but I can never find the right words.

To all those that let myself and other blogger know that they care, thank you.

Thank you so very much.....

Friday, August 05, 2005

Pain begets day

You may remember my dear friend J who was due the same day as I was.......

At 6:10 am this morning (Thursday), little Wyatt made his way into the world weighing 6lb 1oz .

Her sister, D, called me with the news not 2 hours after he was born. I thought that I had prepared myself for this, knowing that the kid had to come out eventually. How wrong I was.

With each word, my heart broke a little more.....
"J's" ......crack
"had" ......crack
"the" ......crack
"it's" ......crack
"a" ......crack

And I cried...... and cried......and cried.
I want to feel joy and happiness, but as selfish as I am, I am wallowing in self pity. I want to be there for my friend, but it just hurts so damn much.

I guess I'll give it a couple of days. I'll wait till all the other kids go back to school and the dust settles a little and then go around and see them.

I know I'll cry, I know it'll hurt , I know that J will understand and cry with me because along with being such a truly wonderful friend....... she wanted our baby just as much as we did.

Welcome to the world little Wyatt.......

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I should have labored you into this world

        You fell
                        without warning
We should have had kodak moments
happy faces
a bundle of joy
held in the crook of my arm

        We have only memories
                of our little boy
                        who we nestled so carefully
                                in the palm of our hand
You should have
made your mark on the world

        without warning......
                        you fell.......