Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Never the right words

I want to say thank you to all of you who have left comments and sent emails.

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of support and understanding that you all give, not only to me, but to the countless women out here in blogland.

I, on the other hand, am a serial lurker. It's not often I comment on blogs, though I read them religiously. My heart breaks with each and every one of you when transfers fail, no heartbeat is detected, every announcement of CD1 and heart wrenching tributes to your lost little ones. Likewise is the joy I feel when you see that second pink line, your betas double or you receive news of imminent adoptions.

Please know that, although I may not leave comments, your words and the stories that are your life touch my heart. I wish you all so much, but I can never find the right words.

To all those that let myself and other blogger know that they care, thank you.

Thank you so very much.....


Blogger Jillian said...

Don't forget to let us all know how YOU are doing too though, ok? OK:)

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need to cry- cry until you think you can't cry anymore, then cry some more. It is healthy to grieve. I would be very concerned if you "recovered" quickly. You are going to be one of the very best mums there is, we all know it and so do you. Hundreds of hugs and a big shoulder to cry on, Rissa.

9:19 AM  

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